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آنے والے اہم واقعات

Parent Fitness Workshop Monday October 7th from 2:30 to 4:00 pm


Parent Fitness Workshop

Monday, October 7th from 2:30pm to 4:00pm

children in costume, character day parade on Oct. 31

Character Parade
October 31
PK-1 at 1pm and Grades 2-3 at 1:40pm

Parents are welcome to come cheer students on as they parade around the large yard.

اسکول کیلنڈر

ہمارے انسٹاگرام پر جائیں

ہم سے رابطہ کریں


ٹیلیفون: 718-653-0835

فیکس: 718-231-2863


980 میس ایونیو

برونکس نیو یارک ، 10469

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